The Mastermind Experience

A two-part offering for gay, bi, and queer men who have accomplished a great deal, yet are yearning for something more

The Mastermind Experience gives you a taste of what’s unique about Flourishing Gays.

  • You might be near a crossroads in your life, with major changes afoot. How your sexual orientation and gender relate to these changes might or might not be clear to you already.

  • You might be wondering what a group of peers who you don’t know could have to offer to help you with the most pressing questions and problems of your current professional or personal life.

  • You might have met Dominic or been connected to him by someone, and wonder what you stand to gain from having coaching from him.

  • You might be drawn to the full 6-month Heroes Journey program to do some deep work with sustained support to grow as a human being and/ or as a leader

You’ll get:

  • A structured and facilitated small group session with peers

  • A 1-on-1 coaching session to deepen whatever benefits you gain from the group session

  • A copy of Queer Flourishing: A Guide to Personal Growth and Greater Aliveness for LGBTQ+ Adults shipped to you

The $250 registration fee covers all three elements. If you and Dominic have not connected personally before, he’ll also schedule with you a introductory conversation in advance of the group event.

Part 1: Mastermind Session

Small Group

~100 minutes

Next offering

Friday, 7 Feb at 12:30pm ET

In this small group session you will experience a new kind of gay community, founded on authenticity and vulnerability. We will each show up as fully as we can, for the sake of supporting one another.

The structure of this facilitated session is designed to invite trust, openness, and connection. Each participant describes some practical question he’s currently puzzling through that requires him to make some decisions. The group asks questions and shares observations to help him find his way in this situation.

You will gain new perspectives on a challenge or opportunity that you are currently facing, whether in your personal or professional life.

Part 2: Mastermind Reflection

1-on-1, ~50 minutes with Dominic

The Mastermind Experience group session feels new and unusual to most everyone who takes part. Listening with care to other gay/ bi/ queer men tell about their aspirations and struggles might well shift how you see your own.

In this one-on-one session in the week following the group event, we'll have a coaching conversation to explore together the significance of what you experienced.

Have more questions? Wonder what to expect? Take a look at the FAQs!

Read Mastermind FAQs and Agreements

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Even in normal times, making substantive and supportive connections with other gay, bi, and queer men can be all too rare.  Meanwhile, the uncertainty and volatility of life seem to keep ratcheting up, higher and higher. Perhaps never in our lifetimes have we more needed to expand our inner resources in order to navigate the challenges that are coming our way.

The reality in which we are now living is requiring us to grow and change rapidly. 

“After going through that experience, I realized actually how few spaces there are for self-identified gay men to have really deep and productive conversations outside of purely social networking type of events. So for me, it was really refreshing and actually quite a delightful surprise, the level of, you know, intimacy and support and perspective.”

Jayzen P.

Los Angeles, California

Learning & Development Founder

Former Executive Director, NBCUniversal, Inc.

What if you have the capacity to grow and develop as much in the next 25 years as you did in the last 25 years?

That kind of development doesn’t happen by inertia and it doesn’t happen for lone rangers, but it is entirely within your reach.

Research on identity-exclusive leadership programs has shown them to be especially conducive to transformational learning because they create a safe environment in which participants lower their defenses, open up, and benefit from each other’s support and experiences.

Come and see what it’s like to step into a mutually supportive and courageously vulnerable space just for men who identify as gay, bi, or queer. The Mastermind Experience will give you a taste of what embarking on a journey of growth and expansion could hold for you.

To create a safe environment for all participants, an introductory conversation with Dominic is required if you have not met him before. Space is limited to 6 participants.


“I think the biggest obstacle, for me, myself or for anyone is fear, right? We grow fearsome of embarking into a new experience and maybe we label that as ‘Oh, I’m too busy’ or ‘You know what? It’s not a right time’, or you know ‘I’d rather do this or that’ or, whatever, right?

“For me, all of this are just reasons that our mind looks for in order not to allow ourselves to live the experience because we are fearful of it. Because meeting new people and digging inside yourself to discover your feelings, or your fears, or… it’s really, you know, it’s really fearful so we prefer not to do it.

“But it’s such a positive experience that, you know, once you start the program itself, you realize all of it was just nonsense.”

Diego G.

Barcelona, Spain

International affairs & journalism

Former Ambassador of Mexico to UK