Diego Gómez Pickering
Barcelona, Spain
Former Ambassador of Mexico to the United Kingdom
Summer 2020 cohort of Heroes Journey
“Es un viaje introspectivo y un viaje del que sales enriquecido.”
“Through Flourishing Gays, the empowerment that I received and that I embraced makes me a different person.”
Adrian Ohmer
Michigan, USA
Investment Director at a major philanthropic institution
Clinical Professor of Law (Adjunct) at a public university
Summer 2020 cohort of Heroes Journey
“If you're ready to interact with a group of people who are all incredibly well accomplished, let your barriers down, let them have an opinion on you in a dynamic and constructive way, and you're willing to learn, this can be of significant value.
“‘What do you have to lose?’ is really the question.”
Jim Brown
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
Public policy and government relations expert. Attorney. Legislative & regulatory advocate.
Member, Board of Directors, San Francisco LGBT Center
Autumn 2020 cohort of Heroes Journey
“The wholeness that it brought I don't think I could have gotten through any other group.”
Kevin Kuchar
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
CEO, CYM Media
Summer 2020 cohort of Heroes Journey